HHC 2025 Annual Meeting

Come celebrate the Hoosier Hikers Council’s 30th anniversary! Join HHC members and other supporters on March 8th at the Lutheran Hills Camp in Brown County! We’ll have an invigorating hike, enlightening HHC updates, well-deserved awards, a fascinating guest speaker, a delicious pitch-in dinner, and FABULOUS DOOR PRIZES! Our special guest speaker this year will be Chris Fox of Read more »

Third Saturday Work Days

The Hoosier Hikers Council has trail work days on the Third Saturday of each month! If you’d like to join us, send a note to hoosierhikerscouncil@gmail.com, and we’ll add you to our email list so you’ll receive details about the meeting time and place. No experience necessary! All are welcome!

Third Saturday Workday March 16th

It’s time for another HHC Third Saturday workday on March 16th! This time we’re really going to do it! Come join us as we continue work on the new trail at The Nature Conservancy’s Green’s Bluff Nature Preserve. When finished, this five plus mile loop trail will traverse shaded woodlands and open fields, and it Read more »

HHC 2024 Annual Meeting

Come join HHC members and other supporters on March 9th at the Lutheran Hills Camp in Brown County! We’ll have an invigorating hike, enlightening HHC updates, well-deserved awards, a fascinating guest speaker, a delicious pitch-in dinner, and FABULOUS DOOR PRIZES! Our special guest speaker this year will be Jeff Stant, Executive Director of the Indiana Forest Alliance. Read more »

BYOT Workdays at Griffy Lake

The Hoosier Hikers Council has agreed to build three connector trails from existing trailheads to the excellent new Griffy Lake Loop Trail on the northeast side of Bloomington. Please join us for one, or for all six of the scheduled work sessions. All the sessions will be Tuesday afternoon, 1->5PM. HHC will provide tools and Read more »

Third Saturday Workday January 20th

On Saturday, January 20th, the Hoosier Hikers Council will continue work on a new trail at The Nature Conservancy’s Green’s Bluff Nature Preserve. The trail will be located on the southern section of Green’s Bluff, so please refer to the directions below to find out how to get to the worksite. With below freezing temperatures Read more »

Third Saturday Work Day December 16th

On Saturday, December 16th, the Hoosier Hikers Council will continue work on a new trail at The Nature Conservancy’s Green’s Bluff Nature Preserve. When finished, this five mile loop trail will traverse shaded woodlands and open fields, and it will highlight streams, waterfalls, rock formations, and pollinator plantings. This will be a beautiful trail! The Read more »

Second Knobstone Trail Closure

From the DNR website: Beginning on or shortly after November 13, 2023, a portion of the Knobstone Trail north of mile marker 9 will be temporarily closed for public safety. The re-route has been marked with white flagging with blue dots.

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